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Second New Arena Is Here!
Our new arena is open and built at Spring Down Equestrian Center!

We've installed Attwood equestrian footing in our new arena that is quick draining, freeze resistant and virtually dust free. This surface provides better stability and less stress on our horses's legs and joints, which helps prevent soft tissue damage, lameness, and other injuries. The horses do not get bogged down when jumping, as the recovery of the footing after each step the horse takes is amazing. The new fantastic footing at Spring Down consists of angulated sand that is heat dried, blended with poly microfibers, and coated in a viscoelastic polymer. The coating on the sand has water repellent properties because of the oil-based polymer. Water and urine will sit on top of the surface and make its way down to the sub-base and will ultimately drain away and/or evaporate. The micofibers, which were coated together with the sand, knit the footing together, increasing the sheer strength. The footing will not become sloppy or loose when wet. We can expect to have two arenas available after a hard rain or storm. In addition, it is dust-free and noiseless as well.
Come visit and see our new 110 x 220 outdoor lighted arena. TOUCH and squeeze the footing! "We feel like we're riding on the beach at low tide except there is no ocean."
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